

Half Time Education Pastor

미네소타한인연합감리교회 0 2021.12.22 14:02


미네소타 한인연합감리교회에서는 앞으로 저희 교회와 함께 성장하며 사랑과 열정으로 교육부 학생들을 돌보고 양육할 수 있는 교육부 사역자를 모시고자 합니다.


Half Time Education Pastor 


Korean United Methodist Church of Minnesota is seeking half-time education pastor that is passionate about and has a heart for students. 




This position has primary responsibilities in Education Ministry in a Korean immigrant church, Minnesota.


Main responsibility is to provide leadership for youth and children to become a community reflecting Kingdom of God and to equip its members for good works of service to the full maturity of Christ.


Focus will be on helping them to become the disciple-making disciples of Christ.





Good character – consistently being honest and trustworthy, self-controlled and disciplined; has emotional and social maturity modeling one’s own growth in Jesus Christ.


Graduate or current student of accredited seminary


Bilingual preferred


Two years of experience in youth ministries preferred




$46,800/year = $24,000(Base) + $15,000(Housing Allowance) + $1,800(Professional expenses and Travel) + $6,000(Insurance)


APPLICATION – Submit via email to baek9128@hotmail.com 


1. Resume


2. Personal Testimony 


3. Philosophy of Ministry


4. The Certificate of the graduate of the seminary


5. Two video English sermons (video files or links)




Senior Pastor : Soungbum Baek : baek9128@hotmail.com// 651-338-3800



Korean United Methodist Church of Minnesota


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