

뉴저지 한소망교회에서 Full Time EM담당 교역자를 청빙합니다

hope 0 2019.11.05 11:20


뉴저지 티넥에 위치한 한소망 교회(PCUSA, 담임목사 정세훈)에서 함께 동역할 신실한 full-time EM (youth & adult) 담당 교역자를 청빙합니다.



·         정규 신학 대학원 졸업자 (M.DIV)

·         미국내 사역 경험 3 이상 우선

·         영어/한국어 가능자 우선

·         미국 취업에 결격 사유가 없으신


사역 내용

·         주일예배 인도

·         금요일 성경공부 인도

·         교사, 지도자  양육

·         여름 수련회 및 단기 선교 인도

·         교육부서 총괄 관리



·         이력서 (본인및 * 가족사진 포함)

·         자기 소개서 신앙 고백서

·         목회비젼

·         신학대학원 졸업 증명서 *목사 안수 증명서

·         추천서 2(추천인이 직접 발송)

·         설교 동영상이나 설교 파일 (CD, USB, Links)

·         * 해당되는경우


지원 접수  

Email    : HopeRecruitCmte@gmail.com

Address: Hope Presbyterian Church (Pastor Nominating Committee)

              1190 River Rd, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Web site: www.hopechurchusa.org


Application review will begin immediately. The position will remain open and applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.

All/any submitted documents will not be returned.






Hope Presbyterian Church is seeking a full-time EM (youth and adult) pastor



·         Accredited theological seminary graduate (M. Div)

·         Minimum 3 years of English Ministry experience preferred

·         Bilingual in English and Korean preferred, but not required

·         Authorized to work in US (Citizenship or Permanent Resident)




·         Preach at Youth and Adult EM services

·         Teach and train teachers and leaders.

·         Plan and conduct Bible studies, Programs and Events

(short-term missions, retreats, Friday fellowship, counseling, outreach, evangelism)

·         Education Director of Sunday school.



Credential and other documents to submit

·         Resume (with personal and *family pictures)

·         Cover Letter with a personal mission statement and testimony (2-3 pages)

·         Personal Vision Statement for Ministry (1 page)

·         Copy of M. Div. diploma of theological seminary

·         *A copy of ordination certificate.

·          Two recommendation letters (recommenders sent directly)

·          Two audio sermons (CD, USB, Links)

*If applicable


Please submit to :

Email    : HopeRecruitCmte@gmail.com

Address: Hope Presbyterian Church (Pastor Nominating Committee)

              1190 River Rd, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Web site: www.hopechurchusa.org


Application review will begin immediately. The position will remain open and applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.

All/any submitted documents will not be returned.




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