

Looking for Youth Group Pastor

Hudson Yu 0 2021.04.19 14:45
New Mercy Community Church in Hackensack NJ is looking for a partime/halftime Youth pastor.
Please check out our church info  at  http://www.newmercyH.cc


The Youth Ministry pastor position is a part-time/half-time position responsible for ministry to youth from sixth to twelfth grade, and corresponding ministry activities that bless their families and community. 


  • Organize and oversee the Hackensack youth ministry. 

  • Recruit/train teachers and volunteers.

  • Partner with other ministry teams and staff to strengthen children, parents, and families in our community.

 Our Church 

New Mercy Community Church is a vibrant community with two campuses. We have been in existence for about 10 years. Our vision is; Church for the Broken...Called to Restoration.

Please forward resume to: ​Hudsonyu@yahoo.com


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